Saturday, March 27, 2010


These 3 men were here in Ghana for a short time from America. They are with the FBFA (Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Association). The young lady in the picture is a neighbor of the Butlers, it is her that the title of this blog refers to. During one of the youth nights at the Butlers, the question was asked to each youth "Are you a Christian?" To which she answered, I am 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. As a result she became know as 50/50. She had also expressed to us that she was searching for some truths and that their was some things about the Muslim religion that didn't seem right to her.

The following Sunday she came to church for the First time at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kodzobi Village. She was asking many questions about the Bible and Christ so they asked her to come to the house so they could talk further with her. It was during this time that 50%/50% became 100%. Praise God, she is now a part of God's family. Pray for her as she has some very difficult things in her life that she has to work through. Pray that she will grow and continue to ask questions. Marnie has started a Bible study with her, Pray that Marnie will be able to answer her questions and help her work through the difficult situations in her life.
Praising God,
Gary Phillips

1 comment:

Anne Hoke said...

Praise God, Gary. That's awesome news!

Welcome to our blog.

This blog is an attempt to chronicle the things that God is doing for us and through us both here at home and while we are in Africa. We will be updating this blog weekly while we are home, Africa will be a different story. Due to unreliable electric and Internet we are not sure how often we will be able to but we plan to update daily if we are able.

If you would like to support us financially for this trip to Africa you can send checks to us through our church. Make Checks payable to Emmanuel Baptist Church with a note for West Africa Missions Outreach. Mailing address is 1120 S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio 45385 Phone is 937-372-5887.