Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Can Anyone Say Harmattan?

I thought Harmattan was over, so did everyone else. This past Monday Harmattan decided it was not ready to be finished and it hit us hard. When we arrived in Ghana it was during the Harmattan season but it usually ends before March. So when March hit we all figured we had seen the end of it. Well it is now the 24th of March and Harmattan has been very heavy for the past 3 days. They say that it was not this bad during the normal season. Harmattan is both good and bad, with Harmattan you can't see much and everything is covered in a layer of dust, it does however seem to cool things down just a bit as the sun doesn't penetrate it easily. The worst of it is that it will not rain when it is this heavy, so hopefully it will not last much longer. Many of the following images were shot in the past 3 or 4 days and may not be as clear as I would like but that is another side effect of Harmattan. So I apologize for them in advance. The first image is one that I shot to add to my doors portfolio.

The kids of Area 51 (our neighborhood) play Football (Soccer) everyday in the front yard. Our guard has formed them into a team and has them in a small league. We had our first game this past weekend. Morgan and 3 of the Butler children (Daniel, Allie and Sammie) are on the team. In this next image you can see Daniel kicking the ball.

Here is one of Morgan going for the ball against a very large opponent. Team Area 51 (our team) won the game 4 to 2. Way to go Team Area 51!

I really think that Dr. Seuss visited Africa before he started writing his books. This is just one of the many trees where I believe he or his artists found their inspiration. We call it the Dr. Seuss tree.
Here is Taylor and Happy while we watched the football game.

This is Edem, the Zimmerman's (another missionary family) have chosen him for adoption and are working through the adoption process.

These girls are playing a traditional African game called Ompay. I am not sure how to spell it so I wrote it the way it sounds. In this game they jump up and down and kick their feet at each other. I cannot figure it out, the missionary children tell me that the closest thing they can relate it to is the Rock, Paper and Scissors game that we play with our hands in the States.

For the ladies, this is some kind of flower that grows in a bush here. I have no idea what it is but it is pretty.

This last image is for Van Holloway, it is the first one I have seen since we got here and as soon as I saw it I thought of Van.

Well I hope you enjoy the photos, this is one of two posts that I am posting today so if this is the first one you see then keep looking as I have posted another.


Anonymous said...

Great picture, Gary. A 3-wheeled JD is still better than any red tractor. I also like how it is being held up so securely. It reminds me of something that my dad would do. I've been sharing some of the pictures with the Human Systems class at school. I read your prayer letter today and was really encouraged.

Craft lady said...

We miss you guys! It is nice to follow you on here!

Welcome to our blog.

This blog is an attempt to chronicle the things that God is doing for us and through us both here at home and while we are in Africa. We will be updating this blog weekly while we are home, Africa will be a different story. Due to unreliable electric and Internet we are not sure how often we will be able to but we plan to update daily if we are able.

If you would like to support us financially for this trip to Africa you can send checks to us through our church. Make Checks payable to Emmanuel Baptist Church with a note for West Africa Missions Outreach. Mailing address is 1120 S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio 45385 Phone is 937-372-5887.